
Launched in 2024

M&A Deal Pipeline Management Tool

for private equity, venture capital, corporates, family offices, SWFs, angels, HNWIs, and other direct and indirect investors.

What you can do with Dealgrotto

Lots of things. Some of them are listed below

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Traffic bar chart Traffic bar chart
Traffic donut chart Traffic donut chart

Pipeline Management

Enhance the efficiency and visibility of your M&A deal flow with our comprehensive Pipeline Management tool.

This feature allows you to keep track of all deals that you have originated, providing a clear, organized view of each stage in your established decision-making process.

With customizable stages, you can tailor the pipeline to match your specific workflow, ensuring that no detail is overlooked.

Advanced filtering and sorting capabilities enable you to quickly navigate through deals, prioritize tasks, and allocate resources effectively.

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Circle 1
Circle 2
Circle 3

Team Management

Elevate the efficiency and synergy of your M&A team with our advanced Team Management feature.

This tool empowers you to orchestrate your team's efforts by assigning specific deals and tasks to each member.

It facilitates seamless collaboration, enabling team members to share notes, insights, updates, and feedback in real time.

The feature includes customizable notifications and alerts, ensuring that all members stay informed about their tasks and deadlines.

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Chat bot UI window Chat bot UI window

Progress Tracking

Stay ahead with our intuitive Progress Tracking feature, designed to provide a real-time, comprehensive overview of your progress on deals.

This tool allows you to set and monitor key milestones, deadlines, and objectives for each transaction.

With customizable progress reports, you can easily assess the status of each deal at a glance and prepare for your pipeline call in no time.

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Chat bot UI window Chat bot UI window
Chat bot UI window Chat bot UI window

Data Storage

Our Data Storage feature is the cornerstone of efficient document management in your M&A activities.

It serves as a centralized repository for all deal-related documents, providing a secure and organized environment for storing, managing, and accessing crucial files.

The feature also allows you to create your own shared template library, ensuring that everyone in a team has access to the same basic templates (e.g. NDAs, Indicative Offers, LOIs, LBOs, Term Sheets, etc.).

Additionally, it incorporates a robust contact management system, enabling you to efficiently organize and maintain contact information for sellers, M&A advisors, financing providers, and other key parties involved in your processes.

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and there are many more...

Dealgrotto vs Other tools



Other Tools

Built by
M&A people
who know what you need because we were walking your shoes
Marketing people
who found a niche to use their beloved CRMs and sales tools
Spot on what you need
because we tried all existing alternatives
Swiss Army Knife Wannabes
because having more features sounds better
Setup time
Ready from Day 1
High customization required
Good if you get it
perfect if it's free
Starts at $69 per month
Get started
Starts from $1k per year
usually without monthly payment option